How to Give Someone The Gift of Health
One of the things I learned growing up is the importance of healthcare and being prepared for unexpected things like my recent injuries. I’ve been in and out of hospital for about 6 months now. It’s probably the most expensive and longest time I’ve spent in a hospital and it’s also when I realized how important health insurance is. This may come easier for those who work under companies that provide healthcare. But those who work freelance, are too young to work, or are already retired may find it more difficult to be medically insured.
Which is why I’m happy to share with you Maria Health — it’s an online marketplace I recently discovered that set out to solve this problem by inviting some of the country’s top providers such as Maxicare, PhilCare, and AsianLife to gather their healthcare plans online where they can reach everyone. Their goal is to make healthcare easily available for everyone. They even have prepaid health cards you can give as gifts to yourself and your love ones for special occasions like Mother’s Day and the upcoming Father’s day.

You can compare healthcare plans beside each other to see which fit your needs and budget best. For comprehensive plans, you can get a free unbiased proposal of the best possible options you can enroll yourself, your family, or your business in by answering a few questions. As for the prepaid plans, you can choose from Maria Health’s wide range of packages and bundles covering emergency care, diagnostic exams, and doctor consultations to name a few.
To learn more about how you can avail of these healthcare plans, head over to https://mariahealth.ph. Maria Health also has a team of people ready to help you via chat or email.

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