I love watching Netflix. I play Pretty Little Liars on repeat while I clean my room. I catch up on Stranger Things’ latest season while I edit blog photos. And I love to go on movie marathons with friends. Give me a bucket of white and crispy popcorn (no butter please kasi diet lol!), a cozy bed, good company, and Netflix on TV, and I’m a happy girl.
I used to watch Netflix on my small MacBook’s screen and only got the chance to enjoy watching straight from my bedroom TV when I discovered this Roku powered device aka the “magic remote” that turns my regular TV into a smart TV. The one I have here is called the Globe Streamwatch — it’s an easy to use, portable stick you attach on any tv that gives you access to Netflix, Disney Channel, HOOQ, YouTube, and 100 other streaming channels you can add to your personalized home screen. It’s exclusively available through Globe At Home broadband plans 1299 and up for a low introductory offer of an additional P50 for 24 months or a one-time payment of P999.
I use Netflix and YouTube the most. YouTube, to catch up on my fave vloggers, Zoella and InTheFrow, and Netflix to watch my fave shows and some classic feel-good and perfect-for-the-holidays Chick Flicks. Just like the ones I have here on my list of top 3 Chick Flicks I love watching on Netflix using Globe Streamwatch.

Mean Girls had such a huge influence on a lot of girls’ closets. Remember the catch phrase “on Wednesdays we wear pink”? Regina George basically made me buy short pleated pink skirts, polka dot tops, and cute pumps. I skipped on her white tank top with two holes on the boobie areas trend though! Aside from their stylish clothes, I love how light and funny this movie is that I can just mindlessly play it in the background while I’m wrapping Christmas presents.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days was such goofy movie. I could never forget Andie Anderson’s yellow gold dress and that ginormous De Lauer diamond on her neck. It’s about Andie (Kate Hudson) and Ben’s (Mathew McConaughey) love story that started out as an experiment for a magazine article and as a bet for an ad campaign job that ends up quite messy and cute. If you’re into romantic comedies you have to watch this.
Clueless is one of the movies that instantly transports me back to the 90s when girls wanted to dress up like Cher, used fur pens, and all kept saying “AS IF” (with the LA girl accent) every chance they got! It’s a classic teen movie that revolved around the cool kids of the 90s, at the time when owning a cellphone (that may I add was big and heavy back then) at a young age is out of the ordinary.
Have you see these movies? What are your favorite chick flicks?