This is the second time I’ve ever been in to a Scribe store. The first was at the North and I remember the it a bit differently. It had calligraphy tools, fountain pens, notebooks… which don’t get me wrong, they also still have now, only this time their newly opened store at Glorietta 4 Makati (near the exit going to SM) had more cute-sy scrapbook stuff, and quirky hourglass decors in it. I found tons of things that would do great as gifts (for others and for self) for Christmas. Like these pastel binders, some 2018 planners, and professional bad-ass looking pens.
PS. Most photos I took of them were super zoomed in cos I accidentally brought my macro camera lens out of pagmamadali cos I was already super late to the event lol!
I ended up getting the famous #aesthetics leather Traveler’s Notebook, which a lot of people at the event love. I hoarded the last remaining luxury boxes with rosegold details they had too lol! I haven’t decided yet if I should use it for storage / decor, or as impressive gift boxes for some of my Christmas gifts. My last haul is a set of shiny rosegold binder clips that will probably make an appearance on my future flat lays. What do you think? I might be go back there again soon to get a couple of mini Traveler’s Notebook and scrapbook confetti!
What are your favorite things to get at Scribe?
I would like to get their mini notebooks and boxes!
Those webster’s pages binders are soooo cutee! I’ve been thinking about getting one (or the TN version) but I’ve been a fan of just using my Happy Planner lately (i just found out they have a specially puncher that creates full boxes for the weekly pages!!!! I seriously want to get my hands on something like that!!)
I’ve missed you! <3 (I've been thinking about sending you one of those really large emails that we used to share <3 ) Take care!!