Belated Happy National Doughnuts day friends! I lost most of the photos we took that day but thank goodness I was able to salvage a few. I really enjoyed Krispy Kreme BGC’s design-your-own-doughnut event. They let us in their kitchen and allowed us to be a doughnut Van Gohg for a day. Photos of my first Krispy Kreme DIY attempts below. How did I do?
PS. Have you seen Krispy Kreme’s cameo at the latest Power Rangers movie? Experienced some intense craving after that, thanks to you Rita Repulsa lol!
I’m still hungover from it actually. I rarely eat doughnut cos of my strict diet but I made an exemption for that day and… the days after. Their Original Glazed Doughnut and Vanilla Creme (with oreos) are very addicting. These are one of my favorite pick-me-up desserts of all time.

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I saw this on your IG stories. Pink is really your favorite color. What did you name the donut you made?..”Pinkisallyousee!?” Hehe! Anyways, The Original Honey Glazed is my all time favorite, even if I buy in other donut stores.